
Heaving, aching, exhausted
Yearning to have control, nay, not possible
Not over the world, I pray,
Just this tiny inconsequential thing
in the scheme of the universe
also known as
the heart

But how can that be?

Poison births life, it does
Even if only to kill
No, not kill, but strangle, carve out, control
Lift, only to shatter
Embrace, only to toss away
Support, only to withdraw
when over a chasm

Lone and lonely
I drift down down down
"Stop screaming, stupid!"
What's the point?

Meaning, meaningfulness, purpose
heavy words
I'm but an idiot
who gets triggered

"Snap out of it!"
Sure, your majesty.
Addictive? Egoistic? Perhaps.
Who knows what's real, what isn't.

To borrow from the bard,
"All the world's a stage,
and all the men and women merely players..."
So play shall I, be stupid, be the fool
And I shall snap out of it
And smile
And keep going
Because if life's a play,
The show must go one.


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